To work out anytime 24/7, at your convenience, call or email us about the OpenPath app which gives you full 24 hour access to the gym using only your smartphone. A link to the app will be sent to your email address, along with a printable liability form that can be completed at home or at the gym for full access. ||| PLEASE NOTE: Colosseum Gym highly recommends Hidden Waters Farm for their fabulous grass fed beef and other naturally grown products. Visit their website for more info:

John V.

A simple gym in a business park that has everything you need in free weights including several squat cages. Also a full line of hammer strength equipment and Nautilus-like equipment. A limited amount of cardio machines that transmit sound through radio stations are in their own section. Clean locker rooms with individual showers and towels provided. Don’t expect any frills like some of the chains, simple and effective with cheap monthly memberships.