To work out anytime 24/7, at your convenience, call or email us about the OpenPath app which gives you full 24 hour access to the gym using only your smartphone. A link to the app will be sent to your email address, along with a printable liability form that can be completed at home or at the gym for full access. ||| PLEASE NOTE: Colosseum Gym highly recommends Hidden Waters Farm for their fabulous grass fed beef and other naturally grown products. Visit their website for more info:


Hidden calories in alcohol

Have you been carefully watching what you eat in order to achieve your fitness goals? Counting your carbs, proteins, and fats in your food is a great way to supplement your workouts and one of the most important steps in keeping fit. However, did you know that your favorite alcoholic drinks can be just as bad as junk food? There are definitely hidden carbs, sugars, and calories in many alcoholic beverages. A six-pack of cider is equal to eating 5.3 chocolate glazed doughnuts! One bottle of champagne is equal to six slices of whole wheat bread. Eight cans of bud light are equivalent to 3 whole cheeseburgers! Read on to see more examples

The Protein Guy



Do you eat enough protein?  For many of us, our bodies function best when we eat an even percentage of calories from Protein, Carbs, and Fat.  So that’s 33% from each.  Therefore, if you eat 2,000 calories per day, that’s a goal of 165 grams of protein per day.

Protein comes in the form of meats like chicken, steak, fish, turkey, and eggs, and vegetarian sources like beans, tofu, and soy.  These items are usually perishable, require cooking, and are not available in the snack isle or vending machines (at least none that I have seen.)

Protein can only be efficiently digested in amounts of 30 grams at a time for average sized human beings or up to about 50 grams in bigger ones, so one giant portion of chicken will not cover your protein needs.  It has to be spaced out.

So, if you need 30-50 grams of protein per meal, and a total of 165 grams in a day, how the heck are you going to eat all the protein you need during your busy day?

Meet Juan Ponte.  He is a nutrition specialist and owner of Max Muscle Sports Nutrition in Columbia and a trusted partner in our local fitness community.  In addition, and perhaps most importantly, he offers all our members a 15% discount at his store.

Juan’s store carries several lines of high quality proteins that are the best in the business.  Maxpro protein is derived from milk, so the primary protein is whey – a fast and efficiently absorbing protein.  Furthermore, digestive enzymes are added to the mix to prevent gas or bloating.  Shakes are quick, nutritious, and tasty.  Just add water, shake, and enjoy.

A 5lb jug of MaxPro Protein will last you at least a month and runs about $60.  They come in flavors like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and tirimisu.  The same amount of protein in the form of steak will run you hundreds of dollars.

Max Muscle is located at 6476 Dobbin Center Way in Columbia MD.  443 – 542 – 9885