To work out anytime 24/7, at your convenience, call or email us about the OpenPath app which gives you full 24 hour access to the gym using only your smartphone. A link to the app will be sent to your email address, along with a printable liability form that can be completed at home or at the gym for full access. ||| PLEASE NOTE: Colosseum Gym highly recommends Hidden Waters Farm for their fabulous grass fed beef and other naturally grown products. Visit their website for more info:

Preventing Injuries

FMS Movement Prep Workshop 10/13



What is Movement Preparation? Movement Preparation, as the term suggests, prepares your body for movement.  It is also a key component to the FMS training system that by itself can increase mobility, stability and the overall efficiency of movement patterns. This training model will systematically prepare the body for any and all training in the gym/field or game of life. During MP our goal is to increase core temperature, address key mobility and stability demands, and activate the nervous system using movements and speeds specific to that day’s training session.

This hands-on seminar will go over the advantages of such training and the concepts behind it.  Within this time, attendants will learn about specific types of MP and experience the benefits of its results with this seminar.  This presentation is for both trainers and clients who wish to learn more about pain free movement and increase their overall strength and well being.

When:        Saturday October 13th @ 9AM – 11AM
Where:    The Colosseum Gym
9159-F Red Branch Road
Columbia, MD 21043
Cost:        $25.00

Josh Halbert B.A., ACE, FMS II, RKC, Athlete’s Performance Institute Graduate

Vic Selvaggi B.S., NSPA, AFPA, FMS II, RKC, USAW, Athlete’s Performance Institute Graduate


RSVP and for more information, please call or email:

Vic Selvaggi (410) 961-5393,

Josh Halbert (443) 722-3444,

Colosseum Trainers Earn Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Certification

Congratulations to trainers Tim Gallagher, Marc Salerno, Jim Sansbury, Josh Nachman, Sue Rexford, and Juan Ponte for successfully completing the Functional Movement Screen Certification!  They now join the ranks with our trainers Vic Selvaggi, Todd Hitchcock, Robin Arnone, and Allan Stephenson who previously earned their FMS cert.

The Functional Movement  Screen allows trainers to identify and quantify movement compensations and muscle imbalances.  Once identified, trainers can design an exercise program to correct imbalances, improve overall movement, and prevent injuries.

Email us at if you are interested in meeting with an FMS certified trainer.



Member Highlight: Jean Trinkaus



Jean is the owner of Columbia Eye Associates, and eyewear store in Columbia,  and she would like to help you protect your children from sports related injury.

“Protecting Your Child’s Eyes from Sports Injury”

If your child plays a sport that requires a helmet or faceguard, don’t make the mistake of thinking
your child’s eyes are protected from injury.

Your child’s eyes are still exposed to danger from sports equipment, or an opponent’s fingers penetrating the opening of a facemask.  If your child wears glasses, everyday fashion eyewear is not held to the same protective standards as regulation eyewear.  However, a quality pair of sport goggles, equipped with polycarbonate lenses, can be sight savers since they help the eyes and surrounding ocular region of the eye.


Sports activities can at times become very costly and may even keep your child from being able to participate.We invite you to come in so we can talk to you about your child’s needs and get them into protective eyewear.

We know that you have many choices in eyecare and we look forward to serving you.

Colosseum members receive a 35% discount on all eyewear and 50% off of children’s eyewear.  Offer cannot be combined with insurance.

Written By Jean Trinkaus, Owner
Columbia Eye Associates